Infusionsoft API Issues

Over the past 3 weeks I have studied, pulled apart and mastered the infusionsoft API.

It is a tangled, complex API with very little documentation.  I guess they want to make their API only accessible to people smart enough to figure it out on their own.

Watch for future posts on how to use the Infusionsoft system to skyrocket sales and manage the customer experience.


  1. It’s a fun journey huh? I’d be interested to see what you learned in just 3 weeks. I’ve been at it for 5 years and still find weird things creeping up.

  2. Micah, not sure fun is the right term, but it was interesting.
    I agree about the weird stuff. Often what should clearly work
    does not, but there are work arounds for everything.

    Stay tuned .. I will post neat Infusionsoft API tricks for the beginner
    and advanced stuff as well. I am sure none of what I post will
    be new or tricks to you.



  3. Micah, I agree. Learning to develop with the Infusionsoft API has been fun and challenging. Definitely always something new to learn.

    Todd, do you have any new “tricks” to share with us? I’m interested to hear how you feel about the API now.


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